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ESL Podcast 806 – Essential and Optional Things
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to pack” and “to take in.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Study Abroad Experiences.”
“Each year, approximately 300,000 American students participate in “study abroad” (a program where a high school or college student spends a few months or one year going to school in another country) programs…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 354
Topics: American Authors – Ernest Hemingway; the United Nations; revenue versus profit versus turnover; limerick; how to address in-laws
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about the “Justice League of America.”
“Justice League of America is a “fictional” (not real; imaginary) group of “superheroes” (people with powers that ordinary humans do not have) who work together to…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 807 – Getting an Unexpected Marriage Proposal
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “sweet” and “to say the word.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Pre-Wedding Events.”
“Long before “wedding bells begin to ring” (a wedding happens), many events take place that “lead up to” (come before)…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
Dear friends and teachers, as I have been for a long time out the blog
because I was really bad, I do think it is necessary to explain something
about the subject.
By the year 1994 it was detected in a routinary test I had the
VHC (the hepatitis C virus), I did not know how I got it but
when I was young no body knows about disposable injections
or surgical utensils, so it was quite easy to get all kinds o viirus
that were transmited by the blood.
The C virus was discovered on 1001 more or less, so it was
quite new.
I had a treatment that failed and after that I have been living
without any kind of problems despite the virus was in the blood
doing its bad work on the liver. Fortunately it was very slow
and my liver was better that it was expected.
Now a new treatment have come just since a year in USA
and absolutely new in Europe.
My doctor said it could be good if I could get the treatment
to defeat the virus and forget about the hepatitis.
After a month and a half it has been necessary to interrupt
the treatment again as it was absolutely dreadful to my
body and to my mind.
Yes, that´s all dear friends.
I hope to be the same as I was before if I give me enough
time and may be the virus gave me time sufficient to live
without too much problems.
Yes, I hope so and I pray for that my dear friends.
el gatufo (emiliano)
A new week beging with very interesting topics.
In this coming lessons for example , the episode of EC 354 about American Authors
concerning to Ernest Hemingway attract my attention. For my husband and me he is one of our favorite authors.
Some of his novels are considered classics .
My favorites novels are : A farewell to arms, For whom the bells tolls , and The old man and the sea.
Thank you Lucy and Jeff for help us to learn English.
Hi Gatufo!
I came here to write that I can’t wait to see the seventh ESLpod video.
I wanna see what Lucy and Jeff come out with.
I am really sorry to read that. I am quite ignorant on the matter.
Yes, I remember that here in Italy too in the past was not rare to catch that while donating one’s blood.
Seems like everybody is pretty psyched like myself about the upcoming lesson.
When you say your prayers
Pray that eslpod stick around till the end of time.
The freak show:))
Dear el gatufo
Emiliano my man,
Talk about difficult-to-remeber nickname:)
I simply couldn’t memorize it. You know, my short memory sucks, so I ended up copied and pased you name.
It is sad that you have been Ill recently. I didn’t know that.
Hope you are feeling better.
Honest, I wondered it for a bit that where Emilano is.
My guess was you were of to a vanarion or sth.
However, I m glad to here that you are up and about agin.
Thanks for addressing the nick-name change.
You know what ,” Peter” is an awfully common name among English people,but as luck would have it ,I m still the only Peter around in the blog teritory ,But If another Peter turns up amongs us,I will follow your step and have Peter changed to something that paints me better some nick name like “knucklehead::))
Dear Dan,
Is eslpod anniversary closing in.
I didn’t know.
U know what my biggest wish for the upcoming eslpod anniversary is?
My top wish is that Jeff talks Lucy into making a big enterance. I mean, Jeff persuades Lucy to appear in front of the camera and address us.
Right when the ball drop to mark the new year in Eslpod land;)
Dear newly-changed nickname Emiliano
It is ashamed that you have come down with such a dreadful complication At Yong age.
I m so sorry to hear that , but ,on the plus side ,the virus has remained dormant for all these years, and with a positive attitude , I m quiet certain that it will remain the same.
Be well and prosper
Please don’t get me wrong
I would be more then happy if more Peter come on board with us
Dear poor old el gatufo (emiliano)
i’m feeling truely bad, i’d never known you were suffering such a serisouly terrible virus for so long until now..
you didn’t tell us in the past, and chat with us like a happy clown in here, you must be an optimist both in physically and mentally.
i’m kind of feeling sympathetic to you.
you said in your post that “you were badly now”,
have it given you a hard time now after many of years incubation without causing problems??
doesn’t there exist a foolproof therapy to heal your malady where you live?
i hope you could build a positive atitude to your illnes and get it over soon.
if modern mainstream medicine failed to herl your symptom, why not turn to traditional Chinese meicine for help
that sometimes would cure a incuable person with special curative effect.
this is just a suggest..
as an old saying goes, life with pots and pans is no picnic, so i wish you could be better ever day.
there are sunshine every where across the whole world..
enjoy youself and you daily life.
best regards to you.
yours, cordially
Dear el gatufo (emiliano)
I am very sorry to learn about your illness and all the hard time you had to have.
Reading your good messages made us realize life is not always good and stable.
My mother always told us that we needed to work hard everyday when we can. I remember she said, “people do not have 1,000 healthy days, flowers do not have one hundred blossom days.
It is a relief for all your friends here in the to read the usual positive message from you.
We hope to stay as one whole healthy family for as long as possible.
The weather in Hong Kong now is so hot and humid. It is almost unbearable. I hope it is not so bad in Spain.
By the way, my daughter has bought a Macbook. I tried to use it and I need time to learn how to use it. It is very different than the old computer that I used last time. All in all, it is very advanced. Will my brain grow bigger after using it for a long time?
Technology has changed our life so much. Sadly there are still a lot of bad and sad things in this world. Even the most advanced technology cannot help us with that. Or, will it?
All the best to you all.
Betty 🙂
U got it all right!!
Being ill at ease is no party
Sure Emiliano has gone through a down time , but , good thing is he has pulled through
He is in recuperation period which means the worse has past.
Dear Lucy ,I really enjoyed your last post.
Sis ,you really go all out while writing us a post.
Thank you plenty
A huge fan
Dear former Emiliano ,
Hang in there