We want to know your opinion about the usefulness of the weekly Monday “Podcasts This Week” blog posts. Since we, here at ESL Podcast, have limited time and resources, we try to use them in the best way to benefit our listeners and readers. Your answers will help us a lot. Please feel free to comment below about the “Podcasts This Week” posts.
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Hi everyone
I was watching the dedication of George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum streaming on C-SPAN. Interesting…all the 5 living Presidents.
First, let me express my gratidute for your work. I really appreciate that, and I think you are great.
I’ll try to keep supporting the website as long as I can, I mean, financially.
About the Monday’s post: I rarely look at it just because I do not need to.
I mean, I pratically visit your website daily, so I do not need to know what’s coming, soo you can do what you think is the best solution with that.
My beliefe is that you guys are going to make the best decision on what to do of those Mondays, you are the best.
Dear ESL staff, all Podcast are good and interesting for me, so you may imagine what I voted for.
Thanks, emiliano
Hi to Everyone.
I think I sort of copied Dan saying “Hi” to everyone.
I think it is very appropriate to say Hi to everyone because we have everyone in our heart.
Hi Dan
I just would like to thank you for your tips to many good source of information. I always follow yours tips and I have benefited a lot from it.
To me, You and emiliano and Peter and Tania plus many others are the heroes of ESLPOD.com.
I say so because I believe that you all are members of ESLPOD.Com which means you are parts of supporting pillars of this world wide website.
I just want to say it is sad to see that some of the contents of this website may have to be cut because of limited resources (which meaning funds/money) available.
Like Dan, I believe whatever you the bosses here decide will be good for us and I will respect your decision.
Many thanks again to everyone.
Betty 🙂
Hi everybody,
I am gone with the flow.
Reading ESL podcast blog is my everyday priority.
Thank you all,
Hi, guys. To be honest, I voted for the elimination of these posts, because I NEVER read them, really. I don’t have time to read them and also not very interested. To me, it’s more interesting when it’s kind of surprise what topic is going to be next time. I don’t see the point of these posts. In my opinion, if your time is limited you should eliminate them. I’m sure it will change nothing. Instead of them, I would like to see more regular blog posts on the blog section =))
And, I want to ask people who voted FOR these posts- why do you read them? Are you getting morally ready for the future podcasts =))) or you don’t have anything else to read? Don’t be selfish, think about time and energy which ESLPOD team need to waste on this not very useful thing in terms of teaching.
Dear Jeff and Lucy and warren
I value greatly the intimate knowledge and experience you are sharing with us.
I care for you guys.
I say,eliminate the Monday thing if you think it will take some load off your shoulders.
I m aware of the fact that Managing and running eslpod is a lot of work.
Considering that the weekly time table announcement is not educational but informative.
I like to say that we don’t need to know what is coming up the next week as we will find it out as the week unfolds
So, to take some work volum off you I vote in favor of cropping it out.
Thanks for your wisdom , knowledge ,and experience.
Thanks for your trouble
You are three top people in my A list
I can see Jeff sitting behind a huge desk at ESLpodcast Headquarters skyscraper. His hand with a huge ring in his little finger and a white cat on his lap and,
I was thinking of myself walking in circle in front of ESLPod headquarters, like they do when there is a strike, holding a sign that reads:
Enough with Podcast this week!
Get rid of Podcast this week!
We are done with Podcat this week!
Do away with Podacst this week!
Podcast this week we do not need it!
I know it’s a pretty big sign.
I do not you guys, but I like this voting thing.
Voting makes me feel…let’s say important, that my opinion is matters.
It’s fun cliking the buttons and later looking at the results..
Don’t you guys have the same feeling?
I am going to see if I can find a website where I can vote all day..I am gonna be like – Binge Voting-
Hi everybody,
PLZ Let me correct myself first (I will go with the flow).
Dear Drs. Jeff and Lucy
We know You try very hard much more than anyone else in this global to teach us English, yet I know you may not receive equal compensation for your effort. Finding a perfect topic, making it into MP3 audios, Writing script 2 to 3 times on a weekly basis would take a lot of time, and thought.
As far as my learning concerns, I seldom read your Monday post (podcasts this week), as Peter said already, thinking they are more informative than educational.
Honestly, I skim over them if they (Monday posts) are there, but they are Just useful as long as the next post appears.
In the mean time, I Try to Read previous posts more thoroughly until the new post appears. There is no need to rush.
Whatever the topic is I’d just do the same and Read the post and the comments several times. If it is easy I would go over the older posts and review them again and again.
So, you can save up this time to do something more productive.
We all appreciate your efforts and knowledge. and wish you lasting, glorious life.
To your success,
As Dan said I like to vote too, some times I vote on the news paper, el mundo, ABC, and El País, but also in the N.Y.Times and it is amusing.
I know that Jeff, Lucy and Warren are very very busy, they have to write such a lot, having new ideas to put on the Blogs.
So my vote doesn´t count, if they estimate this first remembering it is not necessary I agree with them, despite I always like to read all the
notes and some time I write on them as there is not a subject to talk about. It is like a White paper, there is not a subject, only a good
remembering to be a member of ESL podcast, and it is necessary to remember it to all of us, and also some information of what is going
to be next week.
Like in movies, every week here in Spain,papers talk about the new movies of the week.
By my side, ESL has been lilke my home. Yes, it has been and all my life I´ll be grateful to them.
My Englilsh, sorry for that, it is now as good as to read or talk which ever thing I like to. So, being so much grateful for that to Jeff, Lucy and
Warren I´ll be here as long a I could be, not to learn more Englilsh that is not my reason now. It is like it forms part of my new life after being
working outside home for years.
In fact, just from the begining of the ESL podcast, I could understand Jeff and Lucy without any other help. But listening to them it was like
a new light to my Englilsh, it was like a revival by all means.
At the end of the five year my Englilsh was really too much better that at the begining, despite I could understand my friends just from the
Now, in my blog, I could write in English as good as I could write in my own language, with mistakes too, of course….I am not an Englilsh person
and never I have been in a country where its oficial language were Englilsh, that is very good indeed.
So, dear Jeff, or ESL staff, do which ever thing you like to be better and work a Little less. (sorry this Windows 8 changes my writing once and
again, it is like a fight with the computer)…..why Little appears in L instead o l ………….a mistery, a so on…..where are you MR. Bill Gates?.
Again, do which ever thing you like or estimate it could be better for you dear friends, after all you do too much.
The best English professors I ever had, that´s true, and I am old enough to say that.
My best ESL Staff, my vote was I like it, but it doesn´t matter.
Dear Emiliano
You write with passion and love, to be frank I like your style.
If you were a writer, or make it into a book, I would by it. You energy inspires me for writing. You just not write to answer the blog, but rather telling us something inspiring.
It is very good-fortune to wake up in the morning and get excited knowing what you are going to do for the rest of your day.
For you my friend, I am sure that you have been loyal to your Job as well as you are to this blog, and that is a lesson I would never forget.
I can see that you comment on every post appears on this website. At first I didn’t know you had such a literacy for writing, but you surprised me.
I voted for eliminating the Monday post, To give Lucy and Jeff some extra time. I hope this will not cramp your style.
I look forward to reading your comments.
Nice going, bro,
Good morning boys and girls of the Blog.
Good morning Parviz and thank you so much, comments like yours give me strenth and show me the way to act every morning, just looking in the blog first, turn on the music, have the cat near and write something about the first thoughts os the morning.
Today, is saturday, seven day of the week. Let us see where the name Saturday comes from:
the seventh and last day of the week: the Jewish Sabbath.
[Old English sæternes dæg, translation of Latin S?turn? di?s day of Saturn; compare Middle Dutch saterdach, Dutch zaterdag ].
So today it is the day of Saturn, as the dictionary Saturn it is an ancient Roman god of agriculture, the consort of Ops, believed to
have ruled the earth during an age of happiness and virtue, identified with the Greek god Cronus.
That´s really good, ruled the earth during an age of happiness ad virtue? That´s not just in this momment, at last here in my
country where nearly every one of the politicina, City Mayors, Comunity Presidentes have robbery thousand or millions of euros.
It is so boring, every day news are about the different trials over politicians and other people who have been robbing incredible
sums of thousands euros.
I don´t know other places but here it is so every week from the last years, so I prefer to listen music /Paul Simon in this momment/
that news.
Gatufo, my good friend, it is on my lap as every morning leaving the bed at the same time I did, eight o´clock more or less, Cuca
remains in bed till half past nine more or less.
I am sure that ESL team, Jeff and Lucy will do the best for the Blog. They always have given us liberty to write which ever thing we
would like, about the subject or about our life, thoughts or opinions. It is a free site where Blogers are respectful with other ideas, despite
we could have different opinions, believes or religions. I love this our site, mine too, where I have been free to write.
It´s nice, I can´t remember how many blogers I have talk with, but i could say I have talkied with lot of people from your country. One
of the first was Ali, he was first in EE.UU. and after some time he returned to your country again. Possibly he was studing in USA.
The seniors are Tania, Peter, and emiliano, but we have our dear Betty from Hong Kong along the last years, she has been always like
an angel in the blog. Tania is our poet, and Peter like “Jiminy cricket from Pinocchio” telling us good stories also.
Thanks again dear Parviz, you have make my morning happy giving me new forces to write, it is what I like more in this moments.
A good Saturday for every one of you.
Dear ESLPOD.com team
Thank you for being so democratic and give us a chance to vote.
This is the difference between the western society and the eastern society.
Being an old aged Chinese woman, I am not used to ‘have a say’.
I am sorry I have not voted at all.
I do not think I am entitled to say ‘yes’ I want it or ‘no’ I don’t want it.
You are the boss and you decide what is the best for this English teaching business.
If we want to have lots of things in here but can’t afford or simply do not want to pay more money, in the end, it is us the end users going to suffer.
I totally agree with everything our friends say above.
I feel better now I have told you what I think even though I have not voted.
Many thanks again for caring so much for us who learn English from this website.
Best Regards
Betty 🙂
Livin as a Cat….
Being a cat it is easy, more even a cat who lives in a family of only two people. They have not any living creature to care about, not any children…..that´s very good for me….I don´t like childred as usualy they pull my tail, they cry much and run after of me wanting to fuck me, sorry it is not a good word to use here. In Spanish it is a common word but in English it sounds very bad, sorry again.
Well, I do not like children, and in this my house there are not children. There are outside, in other houses close to this, same building because I could listen to their shouts every day, twice or even five or six, it depends of the day.
But that is not the worst, the women, the mother and father of the children are all day shouting to them, don´t do this, don´t do that, go to the bath, clean your teeth, go to bed, I am fed up of you all, and so a day and another. It is so tired, always listening to these adults shouting to their children till the point they shout even more than the children.
I has not any sense, it is so easy, I know what emiliano or Cuca wants of me, be quiet, take it easy, don´t run or jump so many times, and if emiliano say to me don´t do this or that, I can remember it perfectly well, once I listen to him coming I jump on the floor immediately so he can´t not see me if I have jumped on a site he doesn´t like to see me.
I am always faster than him, I listen to him always as he is coming and I am so quiet and looks so good cat that he is always happy with me.
Living here it is easy, when I want I jump ove the lap of emiliano and he always cared me, told me soft words, and never shout to me.
Cuca is even better that him, neve she has told me anything disagreeable, she is sweet, calm, and walk so slowly that I like to be on the floor infront of her when she is walking to the bath.
She needs something to be supported and walk, a Walker they say, I don´t know what is that, but it seems it cost a lot for her to go from a site to other site in the house. Usually she moves too Little because they say she is sick?, I don´t know what is to be sick.
What I see is that emiliano has to help her quite often, to get off the couch and sometimes he can´t to the first time, but other time yes, she can pull up heself and be up on her two legs.
Why they have only two legs, and so long, it is not useful for nothing. I prefer my four legs that gives me just a lot of great agility and speed. I can go and come three or four times while emiliano moves one, or Cuca begins to push up from her chair. Why is she so slow?. I can´t understand, but she is really nice and beautiful and I love her very much.
Last year emiliano was sick too, he didn´t take me on his lap, didn´t speak anything, he was all time like sleeping, and he was really too sad.
I didn´t know what was happening about him, it seems he was going next to die and his mind was like outside everything.
Some times it was difficult to me just knowing what he was thinking about. He was like another person and I was really very sad. Not cares, not any attention to me, not any nice words…..so bad time for por emiliano and poor Gatufo too.
Cuca was also very sad looking at him that way, and I could do nothing, when I jump on his lap he retired again on top of him and put me on the floor or on the couch once and again.
What was happening? I didn´t know but everything was sand and worst than now or before last year.
It was a very bad year indeed. I have my meals, my wáter, no body said nothing bad to me, but I was really sad and worried with these humans of my family.
Just today everything it is different, again emiliano is playing with me, he pulls himself on the flloor to play, gives me good toys and said to me soft words and call me nice names like, little, beautiful cat, my Gatufo, and so forth.
I can jump on him every momento I want and he cared me softly along my body with his hands. That gives me great pleasure as emiliano is the one to me.
Again he looks happy and Cuca is happy looking at him…..me too seeing them that way.
Even now I could sleep on their bed every night and emiliano said nothing, some times he took me from the floor ant carry me till the bed. Just incredible to me, it is so good.
That is all for today, another moment I´ll be here again.
el gatufo.
From my blog of today, as a cat I don´t care if you make the monday´s post or not, sure emiliano will be writing here the same, I know that because Cats are really inteligent creatures.
Ja,ja, as you may see Jeff, and all Blogers, Gatufo is a ver special cat that writes sometimes in the blog and even in English.
i really love him.
Hawwwww Betty some day you are going to make my heart melting away.
I here declare: that you should have a say everyday ’cause you showed us you are this lovely, sweet, intelligent woman that we all LOVE.
Thank you!
“I always look at them”, if I have no time to listen to the podcast for a week I have to know what I lose. And when I have time I come back to listen to.
“I like the Monday blog posts”. I have the feeling I am free to say anything without a special topic.
But as “time is money” for everyone, your decision is our desire.
All the best to you all,
To understand better the topic, I sometimes look for some information sources or think what I could write on the topic.
For instance, I would have liked to know more about Emily Post (before to listen to Jeff), but I didn’t find her book at my public library.
Or, about “The Maltese Falcon”…I remembered that I had that book in my book-case and I saw that movie many years ago.
In this way I can understand better the ESL Podcast lessons.
Hi everybody,
First, I would like to say I’m beginner to ESL Podcast. I listen all episodes and I’m a member of ESL Podcast since 2 month.
I can say that since I listen Podcast, I feel that my english improves day after day.
Besides all topics are realy interesting, I also see that like improvement of the general culture.
The learning guide is essential I think, because we can know the sounds of all english words, when we listening to the podcasts !
Currently, I read less and less the phrases of learning guide, when I listen to the podcast episodes.
I would like to say for all ESL podacts team (Jeff, Lucy and all others) thanks for your work which help people like me who want to improve their English Language.
See you soon !