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ESL Podcast 888 – Advertising in TV and Movies
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to score” and “sole.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Movie Product Placement.”
“Movies have “a long history of” (a lot of experience with) product placement, “dating back to” (from) the 1920s…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 390
Topics: American Authors – Emily Post; American Cities: Branson, Missouri; either versus both; to do a special on (someone/something) versus to do a segment on (someone/something); to towel off
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “Miss Manners.”
““Miss Manners” is the “penname” (the name a writer uses instead of their real name) of a woman named…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 889 – Taking Up a New Hobby
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to take up” and “to find (one’s) footing.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Mandatory Retirement.”
“In some “professions” (types of work), people are “subject to” (controlled by certain rules of) “mandatory retirement,” which specifies that…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
As always….go ahead friends
following Jeff words……get the Guides becoming an Basic or Premium Member
I know what I say,……It is necessary.
“A Robin said: The Spring will never come ,
And I shall never care to build again.
When Springtime came, red Robin built a nest,
And trilled a lover’s song in sheer delight.”
Christina Rossetti
Hi! But where is Myo ko ko?
His arrow is still in our heart…
He dear Tania, yes I agree with you, where is Myo ko ko?
I have mail him, I have his mail, and there wasn´t any reply, he has not
computer, and may be things are going hard in his country.
Who knows?
Have you seen my….gatufo blog? dear friend?
for me it is nice to now Tania from Romania is Reading it……there are
some english also, not only spanish.
It is like magic, I could see which countries are following it just at
the momento, how many note they are Reading, and so forth.
Incredible, this new technology is something so odd, marvellous and
also dangerous too.
It has to be nice to live in the forest, mountains like you……envy that I feel
Have you ever meet nice animals in the forest?
and sure not so nice animals too, wolfs or bears?
Chao dear, Cuca and Gatufo are sleeping now, I don´t want because at
night it cost me if I have a nap (siesta)…if the cat jump on me it is sure
I fell asleep….so warm…..he relax me so much.
Chao Tania, see you
Betty…..where is Betty? we miss you Betty.
now I have a new machine, new Windows 8, it is absolutely bad……..a bad change.
So many mistakes the computer does what it wants.
Change words, delete phrases………..horrible. and so expensive.
If I were living in EEUU I make a claim to Microsoft via a law
but here it is not possible………we say here “aguantoformo”
Ajo y agua……..Garlic and Water….bye Tania.
Sorry Jeff / sorry Lucy / sorry Warren….and sorry all
the poet is agan here.
that´s incredible……there we go:
Thanks Tania, you gave me strengh to continue……
To fall in love:
Without wanted, without feeling it nearly without being concious
I fell in love.
Thin, nice, beautiful crazy girl, we were living the sixties.
Deluded years from one generation that confused everything.
Love, miracle daily bright that enlight my entire life.
After fourty years or more of living, without feeling them being together.
Today I still fell in love with you once and again till I´ll die.
I am not the same I felt yesterday.
Changed without knowing why?
It is today what let me empty?
Ideas come and go without any sense
Thoughts incessant that drill the head
Not hopes only awaiting everything go by
Be you I say, but so another day
Going after chimeras that vanish
There is not any sense or hopes just wait
One and another day, waiting for what
Dead without doubts, easy relax for ever
Sleep, not to think, not to suffer, not await
Sleep for ever, at the end rest perhaps?
Who knows? life it is a not sense being so
when there is not will to continue
Only rest is the time, today only rest is my will.
Illusion seeing children
Flight open and blink of eyes was
A time that seems long for ever
When short as a dream it is
Ephemeral joy of yesterday
Pain of today use to be remembering
Only in mind other time
When little at my side you were
Chilhood only in mind gives me pain
As being present today
I feel you adult women of today
Far away already from my side.
The waiting
Far away from our real world
Quite we see the past of days
Gathering enough time to past
the years.
Sunset shorten our time
uncertain future we await
despite prisioners here we are
without anxiety time past
Happy following the path that
sooner or later the end would pointe
to our life together living, awaiting
a happy life it was being in peace
with you my real incredible love.
Advanced Pain
Just a sudden paint gives sorrows enought to forget what we are.
Uncertain sadness confuse our mind to think we are still alive.
Not knowing if tomorrow will be the same.
Future pains are now so real that blinds our reality of today.
Suffering that moment only anticípated in our mind.
Anxiety be off from me, you are not true, remain in silence.
You are a figure anticipated that gives pain and suffering.
Yes, my mind is so uncertain of what are going to happen.
But only it is sure what today I am living so be quite in peace.
Tomorrow will be another day and every thing could be bright.
Gatuto´s poems /also Emiliano…thanks
Dear Emiliano
Thank you for your interesting stories and poems. You are great!
I am lucky I haven’t got the Windows 8.
I notice that computer and smart phone companies keep updating and improving their programs. So I hope Microsoft will improve your Windows 8 very soon.
Sorry I have been very lazy at writing recently. Perhaps the humid is to be blame.
I have been reading yours and everyone’s messages though.
Sometimes I worry if no one writes a comment our teachers do not know what we are thinking about. Good we still have you writing something for us to read.
See you again soon.
Best Regards
Betty 🙂