Another video experiment for today’s blog’s post! Here I explain the meaning and usage (the way we use) the verb to chat.
Another video experiment for today’s blog’s post! Here I explain the meaning and usage (the way we use) the verb to chat.
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How is it going
I was told I m chatty by many.
I don’t see myself that way ,although I like a little conversation at dinner. ๐
Well ,it is not like that I chat my friend ears off!!
It is more like me making small talks than chatting away.
U know to me ,making small talks trump the awkward silences might be there otherwise.
U see!
Besides , I m more a chatee than a chatter ,for most part :))
Well ,in the place I work with dozens of people working in a close quartet ,There are always some chatterup about sth ranging from gossiping to the choose if the restaurant for luanch break. I tell u ,there is always some disagreement there.
I m telling you ,finding a mutual solution to some glitches in the work projects at hand is way easier to finding a mutually agreed-upon restaurant to go to at launch break :)))
We have this one hour launch break. Expect for Fridays -when everybody skips the launch break so they can punch out rather get off work as early as possible- me and a couple of my workmate go to launch together. There are just the three of us still everyday st least one amongst us muse compromise his position for the collective good ๐
Back to the topic at hand
The consistent chatters is the inevitable implication of working in tiny cookie-cutter cubicles.
Sometime the commotion draws out the manager voice
I m telling you
So he ends up shooting at the top of his voice.
Thanks chief for chatting with us about the different applications of the word ” chat”:)
And the concept of course
Good show chief
I am so alone that I’d like to chat with someone.
Look for helpers, Warren said.
We can talk together or with my friends, our dear Emiliano said.
Let’s chat, Jeff said.
But when I try… who is interested in my problems?
Just the fact that I feel the pleasure to post again on our blog
is very important to me.
I feel a kind of liberty, freedom.
I have had no feeling for months. Just fright, worry, and worries.
Maybe Jeff can recommend us a new author, a new book to us.
Reading, I hope to forget my worries.
Reading the post “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed,
Something Blue”…traditions in American weddings
I have seen many American movies but I have not noticed this saying.
Something blue… as the bride had to wear only white ,
I was thinking about unhappy, gloomy, dismal as Peter said.
Many mothers are crying at the wedding of their daughters.
It’s something blue in a wedding as even from the next day nobody knows
what can happen.
Lucky or unlucky?
At our public library I have found the book 2013 ” The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters.The Timelessness of Simple Truths” by Alexandra Stoddard , an American author.
It is a useful book for those that are in pain. It’s a book for me, too.
May I share with you some words about this book?
If you read just its contents, we can find the best advice to us.
1. Embrace the Changing Balance in Your Relationship
2. Cultivate the Ideal Pleasure of Everyday Life
3. Put Your Life in Good Order
4. Appreciate the Gift of Nature’s Beauty
5. Don’t Do What You Don’t Want to Do – Delegate!
6. Avoid Unnecessary Distractions
7. Waste not
8. Surround Yourself with Stimulating People
9. Be Prepared for Disappointments
10. Be in Touch
11. Never Stop Learning
12. Give Due Credit
13. Keep Some Quiet Beauty Behind Closed Doors
14. Guard What You Say
15. Choose to Remain an Optimist
16. Know What to Look for in a Husband and What to Work Toward
in a Marriage
17. Give Back
18. Be Strong
19. Do This for You
20. Use Your Imagination , Remember , and Travel
21. Don’t Go Through Life, Grow Through Life – Be Unafraid
of Change
22. Make Healthy Choices About Food and Money
23. Value Time, Don’t Deny Death, and Grow Old Vigorously
24. Practice Patience Acknowledgments
I like very much and the epigraph of the book.
“Live within the present , without regretting, fearing, or
hoping for anything.”
Pierre Hadot Quote
It’s late now.
I’ll continue tomorrow.
Good night!
Talking about “The Shared Wisdom of Mothers and Daughters” by
Alexandra Stoddard…
Dear Jeff, I have to thank you again for the useful English Cafe.
A. Stoddard mentions in her book Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and
The Serenity Prayer that I learned it from Slaughterhouse 5 by
Kurt Vonnegut, English Cafe 573.
I miss your English Cafe very much.
You taught us so many new things…just to understand
the American culture.
Just to remember…
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is one of the books that have at times
most powerfully influenced social change in American life, as
in 1962 exposed the hazards of the pesticide DDT, which helped
set the stage for the environmental movement.
“And no birds sing.”
“God grant me the serenity to accept
the sing I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom always to tell the difference.”
The Serenity Prayer by the theolog Reinhold Niebuhr
Be prepared for disappointments!
The best attitude in front of the disappointments we meet in
The Serenity Prayer, A. Stoddard tells us.
In my opinion the chapter 11, Never Stop Learning, is very good.
The love for reading is vital to us. Read a good book , and we will be
more wise.
Many thanks to all teachers who teach us.
And of course, the chapter 18, Be Strong.
Take care of yourself, learn to be independent.
We have to educate us to be independent.
Think of yourself: by being self-centered, you may be benefiting the world.
It’s late in night.
Good night!