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ESL Podcast 962 – Recovering After a Setback
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “tip” and “stride.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Horse Racing Phrases in Everyday English.”
“Many popular phrases in modern English come from horse racing…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 432
Topics: Presidential Libraries; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; people versus peoples; officer versus official; to continue versus to carry on
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “War Memorials.”
“A war memorial can be a building, a museum…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 963 – Admiring a Baby
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “precious” and “gas.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “The Gerber Baby.”
“The Gerber Products Company produces many products for babies…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
From my blog of today, above what happened yesterday morning in a Spanish land colled
The Baque Lands…..
Thank you Jeff/Lucy for allowing me the note of my own blog.
Basque terrorist joined together yesterday morning…..
A reporter confronts Intereconomía express ETA and urges them to apologize
Not seem to want or wish to apologize as required this journalist who publicly questioned them to do so.
(a video of YouTube here, you may see it if you look for Minuesa, that´s the name of the journalism, bravo for him)
And if there was any doubt that there were none, yesterday was absolutely clear to everyone including members of the human rights court in Strasbourg that released with an absurd and incomprehensible statement to the rest of Spaniards who do not buy or commune with the doctrines of these hired assassins who have dedicated themselves to kill everyone who does not agree with his ideas, and has publicly manifested as this gentleman journalist with an incredible value, which has skewered them in their noses “that seize the opportunity to be reunited with their hundreds of deaths shoveling (not in your consciousness) apologize for what they have done. ”
Bravo Mr. Minuesa, I join your voice for these subjects apologize for their actions.
And they see has not helped kill many people, but no, not in their consciousness (perhaps have it?) Asking forgiveness for anything done, NO, are proud to be who they are and have killed as have done.
And they are exempted by the court and society, theirs, applauding them and paid homage to him. If honors them, however incredible and inconceivable that this is for the rest of us, the Spaniards do not understand anything that is happening.
The history of this country so great indignity collect the facts that are happening now and the atmosphere of a rotten society, an important part of Basque society that welcomes and protects these characters and what’s worse is proud of them.
Yes, pass the dumpy history of indignities and crimes against humanity, committed by a number of characters that were included, applauded and supported by a society that believed their actions very fair, now part of the Basque and other .. ..
The Nazis or Communists who acted in other past and present societies understood and well supported historical atrocities they committed their leaders.
still going well today in many bloody and repressive dictatorships, extreme right-left or just totalitarian.
History is full of them, however the time will put things in place, taking these characters (who support them, the society that elevates them, and even the silence of millions of compatriots), and always the right place their share.
My full support to the Victims and the journalist who dares to say right up and instead
appropriate the truth of what he feels and thinks.
the gatufo
Thank you ESL chiefs.
mistakes …..
from my blog of today about what…..in the Spanish land called….
Thank you again, I have to add that what is happening in my country it is an authentical shame for
people who feels properly what killers and terrorists are. In fact there are thousands of victims that
are suffering all these events very badly and their wounds are bleeding again watching to all these
people free after kiling their families, father, mother, sisters, brothers or friends, even people like
me that have not wounds opened or have not any relative/friends lost are very sorry and outraged
with what is doing the Justice in this country and the old Europe.
Yes, sometimes I prefer the justice of other countries like EEUU. or Russia for instance.
My best. emiliano
Hey Emiliano,
I do not fully understand your post. Wanting to know more, I visited the BBC website and found this article:
Basque Eta ex-inmates recognise ‘damage’ from violence.
Thank you
Of course it is difficult to understand not living in Spain.
Don´t trust BBC about this subject or even N.Y.Times.
Just for the same reason as I told you, if you don´t live
inside the family, the house or or the country, you
don´t know really well what is happening in the neighbors
house or country.
That´s the reason I try to write and inform, but sure that
is not an easy exercesise to be in the body of the terrorist´s
I try to be always, but it is the same as when some body
have lost a dear one, a son, a daughter or which ever other
loving person, if you are not living this situation it is
imposible to be in the soul of that people.
If you are interested Dan, just read more.
I have been living with that terrorist problem for the
last fifty years. Some time I was afraid of walking through
the streets and see a person who was going to start his car
just because the image of a bomb-car was fixed on my mind
in lot of Spanish cities. It was real, all public people have to
look down their cars before they drive, it was a present real
advise. periodists, judges, soldiers, lawers, radio speakers,
and so forth, you can´t imagine the air of public alarm
for years.
My best dear Dan.
Living so for years and years, it is impossible to forget.
Too much suffering, too much dead person without any
reason and living this situation since the time I nearly
was a boy I can´t trust any one who speaks about this
without living it as I lived it.
Even without any person dead beside me have been
enough to undersatand the feeling of poor relatives
without the loving person killed by this band.
Madrid is the cit where more people were killed and we
are not inside basc lands. Why Madrid?….HATE
it is the only let motive….hate to the capital city and
their inhabitants.
Money and hate moves the world my dear friend.
Dan, this nasty people wanted to be like IRA, the Irish group that fight
against British or protestant in North Ireland, but have nothind to do
with them.
No way my dear friend, they are absolute different, and I don´t aprove
terrorist methods by any reason, never the goal justify the methods despite
it could be reasons that wanted to justify IRA or which ever other group
that fight to get their freedom.
Not this spanish nasty group are absolutely different always have in mind
that, there is not any comparition, and BBC or N:Y:T. do it, following the
route of the spanish terrorists, they call themselves separatists, and could
be so, but they are killers also, separatist that kills everyone who don´t
agree with them, you, me or which ever other persons.
Thank you and enoughl. emilano.
It is said tha one image it is as valid or more than a thousand words.
Just type in google “Hipercor Barcelona eta” and you could see hundred of
pictures, the same if you type “Plaza Republica Dominicana Madrid atentado”
or “Vich atentado cuartel” and so forth…..it is enough to watch the pictures,
just see the streets, the cars, the destroyed people who were buying in
Hipercor Barcelona or walking by the streets or the “Plaza Republica Dominicana”
and you could see what I am talking about.
It is easy and free, do it Dan, may be you could understand watching the
pictures of horror, as I called them in my blog.
There are thousands of similar pictures that every one of you could see
in the web, and don´t trust my words if you like, only watch the pictures
and your mind will turn and inmediately understand my words.
Think also that these people who do that terrorist acts, that killed one
thousand or more, have been now liberated from prission without
charging with their jail senteche…..some time two hundred years, one
thousand years….and so forth, just inccrdible, no body live so much
time, but they are now free with less than twenty years after killing
fifteen, tweenty and so, what do you think?, in Usa or othe countries
they will have death penalty by their crimes, you know it perfectly well.
That´s suficient Dan to understand me
just watch the pictures.
I have written very fast, sorry about the mistakes.
After reading more of it I am starting to understand a little bit more.
Not enough though to say something about it.
My understanding of it, is that they were released for a flaw in the Spanish judiciary system back in the past. Is that correct?
I always forget that at ESLPod there is a search tool!
I wanted to know about “slam dunk” and was about to email them when I remembered to look there first.
And I found an answer in English cafè 37.
Hey guys,
Anyone of you guys has written a review of ESLPod on iTunes?
I think I will. I only need to see where it is. I had once installed iTunes on my Computer, but I removed it because I did not use it.
Hi guys, long time no see you all!
It’s great to see your long written note again Emiliano, and also Betty, Dan, Pravis, Myo kyo kyo 😀