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ESL Podcast 926 – Getting an Advantage in Sports
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to start” and “to catch on.”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “Youth Sports Leagues.”
“In the United States, many cities organize youth sports ‘leagues’… ” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
English Cafe 414
Topics: Movies – Pulp Fiction; the Outer Banks; lot versus batch; business ethics; to eat humble pie
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear).
In “What Insiders Know,” you will read about “B movies.”
“B movies are films that were produced with a ‘low budget’… ” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
ESL Podcast 927 – Being Tidy and Messy
In the Learning Guide: Get a full transcript (written version of every word you hear), vocabulary list and sample sentences, and comprehension questions.
In “What Else Does it Mean,” learn the other meanings of “to make it work” and “to pick up after (someone).”
In the “Culture Note,” learn about “The Odd Couple.”
“‘The Odd Couple’ is a 1965 play written by famous American playwright (person who writes plays) Neil Simon…” – READ MORE in the Learning Guide
Hello everyone,
I would like to do something different, I am going to reveal you guys a secret so you can make fun of me.
Let’s imagine we are in a bar, we have had a few drinks already, and the tongue starts loosening up.
This happened between the 1985 and 1990. at the time I was a teenager.
Through my Mom, I got to know these guys from the U.S. They were young, just little bit older than me, really nice and pleasant people, and they spoke decent Italian.
They were Mormons.
To make it short, I even got into the pool…yes, I was buptized. After a few years I got away with that. hahahah I am not that religious.
The church at the near city is not there anymore. I believe they were not enough people in there.
I must say though, they were nice, and they also held free English lessons.
I wonder where are those guys now and how they are doing. MY memory of them is that they were LARGE, not fat, but big, muscular, huge.
They even ate at my Mom many times. They liked my Mom Lasagna. ahahaha.
Thank you guys…do you have secrets?
Sorry Da, sorry Jessica if it is you who read.
emi it is here again.
Ask The Reason
Is what rages in your head
I wonder if I’m angry
and I know not to tell
What am I?
Not with you, that’s true
why should I be
It’s not you That your question
is by others
and you answer, will I?
I’ll hurt you to confirm
if it’s safe or not?
even do I know what to say
Am I angry, yes?
Nor even That
it welling Because YES, it is.
The feeling is the same
springs alone
and suddenly drying is Already
Will Have to wait
for rain again?
possible, though Difficult
I have not the strength to fill
the container again
a withered relationship
Crunches everything to me
cracks the air
burns the skin
August vicious
Either respite not give
you passed eleven more
September comes
around again Repeated
another year without truce
Back to work
to school, to write
routine is Repeated
One and again
it will be so till the end
not more Septembers
I hear your voice
time has passed
but no change?
I Feel That it is
nothing is like it was
last August were
Burned ashes even
hopeless and
there is no beginning
No longer
beside I will not be
You left suddenly
and without Further adieu
Hope unrenewed
It burned forever
May who know
the spring is dry
Faded lost
it dry boredom
Difficult to renew
No more, I know
not you, not other
burn my skin again
Later more, best wishes Dan and Jessica