In English Cafe 150, I talked about a group of Americans called the Amish. They are a group of Christians who have very traditional values and don’t have a lot of modern technology in the places where they live. They speak a language called Pennsylvania Dutch, but they also learn English in school.
In the podcast, I said that Pennsylvania Dutch is related to a language spoken in the Netherlands, but this was incorrect. Pennsylvania Dutch is actually related to German.
I want to thank Martin, a listener from Germany, for pointing out (finding and telling us) our mistake. We try to be as accurate (correct) as possible in our podcasts, but sometimes there are errors.
Dutch (Nederlands (help·info)) is a West Germanic language spoken by around 24 million people[citation needed], 22 million of which are from the Netherlands, Belgium and Suriname[2], but also by smaller groups of speakers in parts of France, Germany and several former Dutch colonies. It is closely related to other West Germanic languages (e.g., English, West Frisian and German) and somewhat more remotely to the North Germanic languages. Dutch is a descendant of several Frankish dialects, that were spoken in the High Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, and to a lesser extent from the Frisian language (see also: shibboleth of Pier Gerlofs Donia for comparison), that was spoken by the original inhabitants of Holland (see Hollandic).
I have taken above information from Wikpedia so Jeff, somehow I think you were right when you say that in your English Cafe that I listened and liked it a lot, but also Martin is right, so thanks both of you about your good teaching.
As I thought just the same like you Jeff, I have been surprised for your advise, so I have been looking for information here and there (google, wikip. etc.) and more or less everywhere say the same. Regards.
Dear Jeff,
Errors are inevitable in life. Life is the field of trial and error. We should learn from our mistakes and highlight our corrects! Keep youe podcasting up.
In addition to English, most Amish speak a distinctive German dialect called Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch, which they call Deitsch (“German”). Pennsylvania German is derived from Palatinate German of the eighteenth century along with words borrowed from English.[47] The English term “Dutch” originally referred to all forms of the German language, whose own name for itself is Deutsch. Deitsch is distinct from Plautdietsch and Hutterite German dialects spoken by other Anabaptist groups.
As I have been looking for more information, now I think that Martin was absolutaly rightl, please forgive me, I was wrong also because here we understand that Dutch is from Netherland.
There is a long explanation about the mistake about this matter in wikip. also but in spanish.
Sorry again, may be I am too fast.
There’s always sth that we can learn more than we learned from the podcast and blog, it’s from other listeners like Dear Emiliano, from different part of world who loves sharing his knowladge.
i’d love to read your each comments here in BLOG : )
No problem Doc,
We are all human being entitled to errors and mistakes . I bet ,all your followers believe in the fact that you are a man of many parts.
no worries mam,
Kobe.Su, thank you very much, for me it is always a pleasure to write here and it’s very kind of you to say that about my notes, that’s encourage me even more to share oppinions in the BLOG. I have to confess that often I think that I write too much, giving oppinons about nearly everything and may be some friends have to be fed up with so many writings.
Thank you again Kobe Su, and forgive my mistakes.
Keep making this awesome podcast! Thank you:)
hehe, you are so welcome Emiliano and you can just call me kobe =^ ^=
I think for an English learner like me, watching other ppl’s writings is a good way to improve my own, and your English is good enough to be a model to follow, so I definitely don’t mind if your note is even longer. And besides, what you wrote here in Blog is always very interesting.
If it wasn’t the discussion between you and Ali and other friends in the previous blog, I would never get a chance to know what ppl think about politics when they are coming from different countries, and comments like Den’s about what would US government do with their finance crisis would make me think more than I do before.
I think this is why Jeff and Lucy add in Blog in this web with the attempt to bring us more to learn but not only the English.
M going to enjoy my lunch now““and hope one day our office can shut at 3 o’clock -_-///
Enjoy your day today“`
Einstein did mistakes too.
Daer friends Emiliano and Kobe.Su,
Blogs like this are among the best places we can express and share our ideas about everything with respect. We can learn from each other, underestand others’ thoughts and ideas, and make freinship relationship. Now, we are a club of friends from different parts of the world, with different culturs, language, and thoughts, with the leadeship of gladiators Jeff and Lucy!! This is amazing. Isn’t it?
My friend Emiliano, your comments are great, and I personally enjoy reading them. Go ahead, and keep up writing them.
Dear Jeff,
AS ESLPodcast Google Group has mentioned, Einstein did mistakes too. We have a very meaninful poet in Persian that says (if I could make a comprehensive translation of it):
The life is the beautiful and unique field of our show.
Everybody sigs his/her own song and passes by.
Blessed who that other people put in mind (or keep remember) his/her song.
Now, we all put in mind the sounds and songs of Jeff and Lucy.
Dear Jeff
Thank you so much for your beautiful ESL podcasts. They are great for improving our english as non-native speakers. Naturally, great works always include some errors.
Making errors are good for mental health, as when we may see “our big errors” that show us that we are humans and we do make errors as any body around us.
When I was young I was quite a perfect insoportable person, and I was less tolerant with other’s fellows mistakes and also I was very intolerant about my own
Now I see things in a very different way, may be life has show me what is important and what is not, and been tolerant with me let me to be much more
soft and tolerant with friends, family and people close to me.
Sometimes what is a little more insoportable is “perfection” and if we want friends, or family, without errors it should be sure that in future we would’nt have any of them and we will find ourselves alone.