TOEFL® Podcast #26

Running into Someone
Script by Meropi Peponides
Audio Index:
Slow Dialog: 1:19
Explanations: 3:26
Fast Dialog: 23:40
Questions: 25:06
Anna: I was riding my bike across campus, when suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw someone step right in front of me. I yelled “Watch out!” so that he could move out of the way, and I barely missed him. But he dropped his notebook, and papers started to fly everywhere. I decided to stop to help him pick them up.
Anna: Hey, are you okay? I’m really sorry. I didn’t see you until the last minute, and I couldn’t stop.
Nick: It’s alright. I was just startled, that’s all. Thanks for helping me pick up my papers. I think we got them all. I’m so scatterbrained, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed if something was lost.
Anna: Yeah, I’m the same way. Hey, you look really familiar. Have we met before?
Nick: You know what, I thought I recognized you. You’re Carl’s friend, right? We met at his party about a month ago.
Anna: That’s right! Good memory. Look, I’m really awful with names, what’s yours again?
Nick: I’m Nick. It’s nice to see you again.
Anna: Hey Nick, I’m Anna.
Nick: I remember.
Anna: Oh, of course. Hey, what are you up to right now? If you have time, I’d love to grab a cup of coffee or something.
Nick: Actually, that sounds great. I was meaning to ask Carl for your number so we could hang out sometime.
Anna: Really? What a coincidence that I ran into you then. Literally.
Nick: Yeah, it certainly was. Let’s get that coffee.
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