TOEFL® Podcast #25

Finding a Roommate
Script by Meropi Peponides
Audio Index:
Slow Dialog: 0:55
Explanations: 3:07
Fast Dialog: 17:37
Questions: 19:05
Fiona: Hi, Chris. How are you?
Chris: Hey, Fiona. Thanks for meeting me here on such short notice. The thing is, I needed to ask you something and I thought sooner was better than later.
Fiona: No problem. It worked out that we were both on campus. What’s the question?
Chris: Well, I was thinking about how we have to move out of the dorms next year.
Fiona: Yeah, I know. No more dining halls! I’m just excited about getting away from that lousy food, but of course that means I’m going to have to cook for myself. So I will probably be worse off.
Chris: Yeah. Anyway, do you know where you’re going to live next year?
Fiona: I hadn’t really given it much thought. Why do you ask?
Chris: Well, I thought maybe you and I could share an apartment. If you don’t mind moving a little further away from campus, we could probably afford to have our own rooms.
Fiona: Oh. Well, I don’t know if I want to move far away…It would be fun to share an apartment though in order to split the costs.
Chris: That’s what I’m thinking. Or we could find a couple more roommates in order to to afford something near campus. If you could find another girl and I could find another guy to share a room with, we’d be set.
Fiona: Maybe. Can I think about it and let you know?
Chris: Of course! Take your time. We have a while; I just wanted to start apartment hunting early so we could find something good.
Fiona: Sounds like a plan. I’ll let you know as soon as I make a decision.
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