TOEFL® Podcast #2

Questions About Formatting
Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Audio Index
Slow dialog: 1:20
Explanations: 2:33
Fast Dialog: 9:15
Questions: 10:08
Student: Excuse me, professor. Do you have a minute?
Professor: Sure, I can spare a little time right now. What can I do for you?
S: I wanted to ask you if it is possible to hand in a draft of the paper to see if I’m on the right track?
P: I’m afraid not. I have to be fair to the other students, and I didn’t offer them the same opportunity.
S: But I’m really worried about not getting the formatting correct.
P: Just pay attention to the guidelines I passed out in class. If you want, you can talk to my teaching assistant about it more. To make an appointment with her, talk to the department secretary.
S: Okay, I’ll do that. Thanks.
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