Thursday is the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. We’ve already talked a lot about Thanksgiving in the podcast and on the blog. Listen to ESL Podcast #91 and English Cafe #60 for more details about how Americans celebrate this day. Today and tomorrow will be very busy on all of the freeways and at the airports throughout the United States, as well as Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you live here in the U.S., be sure to leave early or else you may not make your flight (arrive in time to get on your flight)!
We have, as always, much to be thankful for here at ESL Podcast. We thank our listeners throughout the world, in more than 100 countries, for their encouragement and emails. We thank our blog readers and commentators, who every week come to the site and give their ideas and opinions. We especially thank our ESL Podcast Learning Guide members, both Basic and Premium, as well as those who shop in our ESL Podcast Store. Without you members and Store customers, we would not be able to provide the free audio files the way we do now.
On behalf of the whole team here at ESL Podcast, we hope those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving have a good day with friends and/or family.
~Jeff & Lucy

The First Thanksgiving by Jeannie Brownscombe
I hope that the whole team of ESL podcast to have a good Thanksgiving holiday.
And right now, I am going to search ESL Podcast 91 and English Cafe 60 to know more about this holiday because I don´t know anything about it, but I think it must be a very important holiday for yours
Enjoy Thanksgiving day!
As Roberto I want to wish all ESL team, and to my best teachers Lucy and Jeff, a happy Thanksgiving Day and a long resting weekend. Also to all our friends who celebrate this special day I want to wish them a very nice and home family day.
In my country we don´t use to celebrate this day, but now I like to look inside me/us and give thanks to all the good thing we have in life.
Just these days I have our daughter Eva and her husband, that have came from Canarias Islands to see us. I am happy of seeing them and having so good time with their company and also seeing my friends who have came tonight at home.
Thank you so much Jeff and Lucy, you know perfectly well how much good feelings I have to you in all ways, you are doing the best site of all and giving us a piece of your heart with every Podcast you make.
Dear Jeff and Lucy,
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We had the festive ceremony about two months ago,when I stuffed my face with a large piece of turkey and a big yam.
God bless you all in the Eslpod Headquartes that we are all very grateful for what you are doing.
Dear Jeff and Lucy , Happy Thanksgiving . I will give thanks too, for all the wonderful things who happens in my life, and I wait you enjoy this famous and important holyday.
Thanksgiving is not a traditional holiday in China. However, as more and more western people relocate to China for business, now we can get pumgkin and turkey in local grocery stores for Thanksgiving. The funny thing is the price of turkey. My colleague who just relocated from Ohio to Shanghai told me that he could get a turkey at 7-8 bucks at home. But in Shanghai, it sells at 100 bucks. It might be the most profitable business between the U.S. and China, I think.
Whatever, this holiday gives people time to express gratitude. I may not get turkey but I will do express my thanks to people who care about me. Thanks Jeff and Lucy and all other ESLPOD staff. You did a wonderful job. It’s not only a place to learn English. It’s also a place to understand American convention and culture. Thank you and best wishes to you!
Lucy and Jeff, thanks for your fantastic website and blog and your efforts for Eslpod at Thanksgiving holiday. Thanks everybody here, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I would do my best to improve my English level, and come here usually with my gratitude.
To be exact , here in Canada Thanksgiving day Is the second Monday on October.for you gys is the forth Thursday on November.
Happy Thanksgiving day
And, thanks for the buggy ride( LOL)
Happy thinks giving day for all American’s , especially for soldiers who righ now serve in Iraq, and i have special thanks of all ESL staff for this historical day.
take care have a niece time
I’m a big fan of the The way I use this program is by download audio file and listen that through my mp3 player.
because of working at U.S miritary base in korea for long time, I know how this holiday is so important to you over there.
I thank Jeff and Lucy and all personnels who are contributing in this program.
Happy thanksgiving!
Thank you all !!!
Happy Thanksgiving Day
Happy Thanksgiving Day to ESL Pod Team.
Thank you guys for the best materials I can found as English learning.
I wish that you all team ESLpod have a nice thanksgiving day
I wish all of you and everyone in American people could have a very nice long weekend and especially a very happy thanksgiving day.
By the way, Don’t eat too much!
Best regards from Spain,
Happy Thanksgiving and many many thanks!!!
Hi ! Happy Thanksgiving Day to ESL POD team .
Hi Lucy and Jeff, thank you for your wonderful work. It really helps many people.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to Jeff, Lucy, and all of the ESL’s members
Thank you for providing this excellent website
I do love it.
It is really a lovely website
Thank you all so much~
Just a plain happy thanksgiving to all of you dear friends¡¡¡¡
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
There are also some harvest festival here in Japan.
In the U.S., you usually watch football after big dinner. It’s interesting.
The more the merrier :D.
Best wishes,
Thanks for providing us with a such good podcast. I am really appreciate you helping me improve my English.
from China
Hi ! We are never boring when you repeat us the same thing . We are just “kids” learning a new language and new customs / traditions .
As we do not live in America and there are too many new data for us we forget quickly .
In my country we used to say “the repetition is the mother of the learning ” .
So , if you have to remind us of the same holiday every year , please , do it .
Repeating again and again maybe we succeed in learning English . Who knows ?
Way to go !